Our Choirs

Entry Level
Primo Voce (voh’chay) means ‘first entry’ in Italian.
This group offers children the opportunity to grow in confidence and develop their singing voices and musical ears. This joyful exploration of songs and music activities and games prepares the children to perform with confidence and commitment.

Beginning Level
Bella Voce (voh’chay) means ‘beautiful voice’ in Italian.
Bella Voce challenges young singers to continue to grow musically by introducing three-part harmonies and basic music theory. Singers must be able to match pitch, work cooperatively with others, and participate with focus and a positive attitude.

Intermediate Level
‘Colla Voce’ (cohl’-lah voh’-chay) means ‘with the voice’ in Italian.
Colla Voce members have basic music reading skills, work cooperatively with others, and participate with focus and a positive attitude. Home practice is expected so that learnings will ‘stick’ from week to week.

“RYC always had a welcoming atmosphere and a sense of community. It helped me open up a lot and gain confidence that I wouldn’t have had if I hadn’t been in RYC.”

“My favorite part is the bond that is formed from participating in this group. Whether you are a part of it for 6 months or 8 years you are family when you leave.”

“RYC brings me a lot of joy. I love to sing & have so much fun singing different songs. I also love everyone in the choir!”

“RYC’s greatest asset is their staff: professional, caring, talented and inspiring music educators who clearly love the kids, each other and what they do.”

“I really enjoy rehearsing together. The joy comes from the unity and fullness of the choir and the music.”

“My favorite part of RYC is when our voices blend perfectly & it feels like we’re all one voice instead of 30. You can’t make that sound any other way.”

“RYC sparked my love of music and fueled it for most of my youth. The people I was able to meet and places I could go were life changing, and the joyous feeling of singing in a community of people who all strived to understand each other was immeasurable. I miss RYC every day, and hope to someday be apart of something as beautiful again.”

“I loved being in RYC. It was significantly enriching for me, as a young teen, to have a kind community where everyone wanted to be there. As a result, I gained confidence in my musicianship and myself, and it was so much fun! It was an invaluable experience.”

“You really are changing the world with your music! These kids give me so much hope!”

“RYC is full of amazing teachers, and it’s a great place to have children explore their love for singing.”

“The kids are learning to trust themselves, their directors and their peers and always put on a great show.”

“I enjoy hearing how much we can improve as a group when we put in the work.”

“I like how we were one big tribe instead of little cliques.”

“RYC has been an important part of our daughter’s experience, especially during COVID, in helping her grow, focus, be positive and build confidence. It is an awesome resource. We know that it takes a lot of work, thought and commitment to make that all happen. Thank you so much – we are grateful.”

“It was the first place I cultivated my serious love for music and learned how to conduct myself in a professional manner. It was a space full of friends and wonderful musicians. I have so many great memories.”

“RYC gave me a wonderful group of friends but more importantly it was a high-level musical performance group that I truly felt I belonged in. I loved the touring opportunities and the ability to sing much more complex music than my high school choir was capable of.”

“RYC gave me a safe place to be me and grow. I learned about all different kinds of music and learned to express myself comfortably through song. I have gained life long connections in RYC.”

“RYC and Leora Schwitters made me the person and music educator I am today. Thank you for inspiring us to do great things in life and have a passion for music.”

“My favorite RYC memories were simply going to rehearsal and having people say ‘Hi’ and be friendly and inclusive.”

“RYC made me realize my passion for performing with a choir who was like family. We worked hard as a group to perfect our performances and it was always really fulfilling to see months of work result in a beautiful concert my family and friends could enjoy. Mondays after rehearsal, I always felt lighter than air, euphoric, and relaxed even after working hard to learn music and perfect my part.”

“One important life skill I see my child getting better at each year: work hard, do your best to prepare, and then be fearless in performance, knowing mistakes are OK and just a part of the experience.”

“I love singing with all of my friends and just being able to make music that is simply beautiful. Hearing the harmonies blend together is one of my favorite things, and the music we have made together over the years is truly something special.”

“My son has gained self-confidence and organizational skills through his involvement with Rainier Youth Choirs. Our family and friends also get to enjoy fabulous concerts. I only wish he could have joined sooner.”

“Forever grateful for RYC’s impact on my girls… and myself! Thanks for all the memories – may you continue to build memories and friendships for generations to come!”

“My children get to experience the most professional and kind directors as they excel in music and music theory, which I believe will benefit them for the rest of their lives. They have also made wonderful friends and done a bit of traveling, too.”

“This was my daughter’s first concert … and she loved every minute of it! I was in awe at how amazing all these singers were—as a former mezzo who studied classical it brings me so much joy! Thank you thank you!”

“Rainier Youth Choirs offers an excellent musical education for kids of all ages. The leadership and instruction are top notch and the kids are all passionate, learning, engaged, happy and musical. What could be better?”

“RYC really helped grow my love of music and I found a family through the RYC program!”

“RYC was more than just a choir. I formed lasting friendships, built confidence as a performer, and gained a greater appreciation for the uniting gift that is music. Thanks to choir punctuality, I arrive early to almost every event! I’ll always cherish the time I spent with this choral group.”