Each week, youth from many different backgrounds and diverse communities gather to make music. With four ensembles that frequently perform together, singers in grades 2 and up experience the transformational power of artistic choral music.
Click on the choir to find out more.
Primo Voce
Primo Voce (voh’chay) means ‘first entry’ in Italian.
This group offers children the opportunity to grow in confidence and develop their singing voices and musical ears. This joyful exploration of songs and music activities and games prepares the children to perform with confidence and commitment.
Bella Voce
Bella Voce (voh’chay) means ‘beautiful voice’ in Italian.
Bella Voce challenges young singers to continue to grow musically by introducing three-part harmonies and basic music theory. Singers must be able to match pitch, work cooperatively with others, and participate with focus and a positive attitude.
Colla Voce
‘Colla Voce’ (cohl’-lah voh’-chay) means ‘with the voice’ in Italian.
Colla Voce members have basic music reading skills, work cooperatively with others, and participate with focus and a positive attitude. Home practice is expected so that learnings will ‘stick’ from week to week.
‘Consonare’ (cohn-sohn-ah’-ray) means ‘to sound together’ in Latin.
Consonare is a mixed ensemble including changed voices. These singers are known for their high level of rehearsal focus and performance excellence.
Ready to Join?
The Enrollment Process includes a stress-free appointment to help determine choir placement and will help to get to know you and your musical background.
These appointments last about 15 minutes with RYC staff and starts with a conversation with the singer and parent(s) to get to know them. We’ll do some some simple vocal warmups and ear exercises and ask you to sing any familiar song you wish (ex, Happy Birthday, Twinkle Little Star, or any song you would like to share.)
For grades 6 – 12 applicants, we’ll also ask about your music reading and performance experience.
Tuition scholarships are available and must be renewed with each new season.
New members are accepted in September and January. Enrollment for January 2025 is now closed. Applications for Fall 2025 Enrollment may be submitted at any time.