Bella Voce (voh’chay) means ‘beautiful voice’ in Italian.
Bella Voce challenges young singers to continue to grow musically by introducing three-part harmonies and basic music theory. Singers must be able to match pitch, work cooperatively with others, and participate with focus and a positive attitude. Home practice of at least 20 minutes four days a week is expected.
Rehearsals are fast-paced, focused, fun, and purposeful. Warm-ups begin each rehearsal introducing and developing important fundamentals in vocal development and ear training. Music concepts are taught using high quality literature and Kodály techniques, including moveable ‘do’ solfege. Rehearsals often include games as a fun way to build community and skills.
Singers must be able to match pitch and work respectfully with others. Regular, on time attendance will ensure that the careful sequencing of instruction benefits each child as much as possible.
Grades 4 – 6 Beginner Level
Directed by Leora Schwitters
A training program advancing vocal, rhythm, and performing skills in preparation for the Colla Voce program.
- Meets once weekly September 16, 2024 through June 9, 2025
- Covington
- Mondays 5:30 – 6:45 PM
- Tuition $1,000 or $100 monthly
- Sibling discount 10%
- Financial assistance available